Day 1 -- "The End" by The Doors
No more Chipotle Barbacoa burritos. No more succulent ribs from Red Bones. No more lemony, delicious chicken Picatta. No more mouth-watering short ribs. No more late night meat sandwiches.
Why is this carnivore turning semi-vegi pro? I am setting out on a 3-month bet with my sister to stop eating any meat or fish. Been meaning to do this for awhile. Is it for political reasons? Animal rights? Settling a bet? Because it's super in to be a vegetarian? Watched Food Inc the other day? Probably all of the above!
So I completed my first day yesterday without having any meat. Granted it was only a day, but all I could think about when I was making my pizza was -- damn, this could really use some chicken or some sausage! I also may have had some dreams about eating a steak. Anyway, I'm writing this journal to keep track of my diet, plus helping some others take the first step in a world packed with vege-ta-mables and tofu!
Step 1:
The first step in becoming a yuppie/non meat eater is a trip to your local grocer. Luckily, most grocery stores now have many organic products and meat alternatives. I am not the type to get a tofu hot dog and expect it to taste like a Nathans, so I stayed clear of those meat imitation products. This initial trip to the grocery store may take you longer than usual as you'll have to read a lot more labels to see where your food comes from.
Start out with the produce section. This area will now be your best friend and more frequented area of the store. Go crazy, but try to get items in season. Did you know that much of your produce travels more than a 1,000 miles from you? That's a whole lot of gas and chemicals to keep that "healthy" produce fresh. Rant aside, I selected fruit, like oranges and kiwis. For vegetables, I wasn't entirely sure what was in season. So I selected staples like sweet potatoes, broccoli, peppers, and onions. Oh, and I stocked up on lots of beans!! Also, stopped off at the organic section and picked up some of that gross stuff better known as tofu.
Onto to the next department! You'll pass the meat section. So run! Just think of this tip as you glide by with your shopping cart: Did you know that one hamburger can contain meat from more than 50 cows?! Not only is it disgusting to eat more than 50 cows in just one bite, but it also increases your odds in getting ill if any of those animals carried an illness.
Stop on over to the grain/bean aisle, and get lots of Goya beans. While you're there, stock up on some of those cool jars of roasted peppers and other goodies.
The frozen food aisle is notorious for foods packed with preservatives, but there are many new products that contain little artificial ingredients, like Store brand organic pizza. But beware of the overly used word, organic. Read labels. If you can't pronounce something. Chances are it's not organic. We all don't have that much time these days to make gourmet meals, so no one will judge you if you have to get time-saving products from here.
Last but not least, stop at the dairy section! (Uhh, love cheese way too much to ever be a vegan). Pick up some organic milk without those pesky hormones and some cage free eggs. Fact: Did you know that most chickens never even see the daylight during their existence? So sad, so try and pick up some eggs from chicks that enjoyed sun while popping out some eggs.
You may not keep the best company with all the gas that you'll soon have, but at least you can sleep better at night by not participating in the mistreatment of animals!
Day 1 Diet:
(Not that healthy of a day)
Starbucks Scone
Organic Cheese pizza with some added sundried tomatoes, spinach, and olives
Salad with light Ceaser Dressing
Kettle Sea Salt & Vinegar Chips
Tomorrow will be more healthyish!
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